Sex Work Jargon Buster!
SWERFs, Whorearchy, SEV…what does it mean?! If you often come across language in the sex industry realm that whooshes over your head quicker than a, then fear not! Gemma to the rescue! Here’s some of the most common jumbled jargon you may come across. Find the term, the definition, examples and extended commentary.
Sex Work Resources
Here’s a growing and regularly updated collection of sex worker resources including instagram accounts, podcasts and sex worker charities! This is just the start, I hope to grow more as I progress through my own sex worker education.
Five Things You Might Not Have Known About UK Strip Clubs
Many people who do not work in strip clubs are rarely given a glimpse into what it’s really like to be a stripper. You may see the fantasy, the freedom, the empowerment, the bundles of potential wealth made in one night that can put an average monthly salary to shame. But you don’t see the other side.